Editor’s Note: This articles is addressing the concept of losing your virginity, and how it is controlling women’s sexuality as well as their value. Your value has nothing to do with your sexuality. Doesn’t matter what you sexual did, you will always be good enough.
Virginity was created
for one reason, so women can be controlled. Society doesn’t like the idea of woman doing whatever she wants, even though a man can easily do that. If woman sleeps with too many men they don’t want it, but they don’t also want her not do anything, because she is here to pleasure the man am I right?
Virginity is itself
very confusing concept, but when it comes to women even more. Woman should hold on to virginity as long as she can, but also not too long. Woman should have sex, but not too much. Feels like when it comes to woman, she can never do right thing when it comes to virginity, or wait maybe everyone should shut up with their opinions, because they have no right on opinion about her body. Woman herself will know when the time is right, and she will know how much sex she should have. In my opinion if she is enjoying it I don’t feel it is too much sex.
Our society cares
way too much about woman’s virginity, but they could care less about man’s virginity. A man should lose it as soon as possible, and their virginity is worth nothing, funny isn’t it? If virginity was a thing, don’t you think they would care about man’s virginity too? So see it is not a real thing, it is all made up.
Virginity is just another example of double standers: women are being shamed for having sex, and men are being rewarded.
I will be explaining to you, why this concept is not real in upcoming article, but today let’s focus why this is problematic and why we should cut it off?
Virginity is Sexist:
We are taught that we have to be careful how we lose our virginity. We need to lose it with the right person and the right time. If we lose it to let’s say random person and at wrong time too early or too late, we are going to be shamed for it. Society labels women who lost it in wrong way as easy, which makes no sense.

Like it not
really life changing decision, it is deciding to have sex. Yes maybe it is too early, but let me do it whatever it won’t even matter in view years. And if it is just random person so what, I am allowed to do so, if I feel good about it why not. I am not saying do it not big deal, but if you are ready do it no brainer there. If you feel ready even if it is too early do it, that won’t be mistake if you feel good about it. Let me also remind you first time is anyways not amazing, so why need to make it perfect seriously no need!
While women
are being shamed for not losing it right way, men can do whatever they want to. They are in the way pushing them to do it in the wrong way, so they lose it as soon as possible. When they do it in the wrong way or at the wrong time, they will not be shamed for it. Seriously so sexist not cool!
Concept that makes one group of people feel good, and another feel bad for the same thing needs to go.
2. Result to Slut-Shaming:
Virginity is here so we can judge women based on how and when they started having sex for example:
-Losing virginity at wrong age, being too young or too old based on bias opinion made by society (because everyone is different so, too young is not too young for everyone, but society is so close minded they need to put everyone in the same box)
-At the wrong time, meaning too early in the relationship or not during the one at all
-Losing virginity to someone you don’t know, don’t know well or are not in love with
Any of these factors can result in woman being slut shamed by others, and this is in so many ways wrong.
Slutshaming is
shaming a woman for her sexuality. It can be for what she did with her virginity, with how many men she slept with or even how she dresses. This is really wrong, because it give women negative mindset about sex. It results into women being less open minded and confident. You make a woman think badly about herself based on beliefs that are false.
If she loses too
early totally fine, or she loses to wrong person also fine, it is not like she will have to have sex with this person for the rest of her life, so let it be. Her body she is the boss of it, and she can do whatever she wants to, and you can’t say anything negative about it got it?
3. Woman’s Value is calculated based on how much sex she had:
This one is the worse, and that is why I am putting it the last. In our society virginity means purity, so the less sex you had as a woman, the more pure you are. That means your value is directly linked to how much sex you had. I mean not really, but this is how our close minded society thinks.

So according
to our society every time I have sex I lose little bit of my braincells, my intelligence and my kindness. For me this means worth, but for them only worth you can own is your purity so crazy. But not even they believe that, but they need to keep telling us, to have us under control, and not have women have sex for not good reason. The idea of woman having sex for herself, and for fun is not acceptable to them. Every time we do, we have to be punished for it.
But guess who
is rewarded for it? Men are rewarded for having sex, so obviously not even our society believes you lose value when you have sex, because then men would not be allowed to have sex either. Society wants men to enjoy themselves, and have as much sex as they want.
This is not right,
everyone should be allowed to be free, and do whatever they like to. Everyone has right to make their own decision, without being judged by others, and no one has right to have an opinion about another person. You don’t have to agree with their decisions, but you have to respect and accept them. Our society is stuck in Middle Ages, and it needs to move forward to today. This way of thinking should never have been accepted, especially the time we are living today. We move from this thinking and move forward.
Concept of losing virginity stops now!
Reminder: Losing virginity has nothing to do with your worth!
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