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HomeYogaMukula Mudra (Beak Hand Gesture): That means, Advantages and Steps to Carry...

Mukula Mudra (Beak Hand Gesture): That means, Advantages and Steps to Carry out

Mukula Mudra(samana mudra) Meaning, Benefits

Mukula Mudra, additionally known as the “Beak Hand Gesture,” is a therapeutic hand mudra generally utilized in yoga and Ayurveda. This mudra is deeply linked to Ayurvedic ideas, particularly the steadiness of doshas – Vata, Pitta and Kapha.

Mukula Mudra is carried out by bringing the thumb and fingers collectively to type a beak-like form, symbolizing its title. Its observe facilitates the alignment and harmonization of those doshas, fostering general well-being.

The three doshas; Vata, Pitta and Kapha are important parts of Ayurveda, influencing well being and vitality. When these doshas are imbalanced, it may end up in numerous bodily and psychological points. Mukula Mudra, with its distinctive hand gesture, goals to revive steadiness amongst these doshas by directing the physique’s power movement.

That means

Mukula Mudra derives its title from Sanskrit phrase “Mukula” interprets to “bud,” and “Mudra” signifies “gesture” or “seal.” Due to this fact, the that means of Mukula Mudra might be understood because the “Bud Gesture” or the “Gesture of a Bud.”

On this mudra, the fingers of the hand are joined collectively at tricks to create a beak-like form, harking back to the bud of a flower or a fowl’s beak. The symbolism of a bud in Mukula Mudra signifies the potential for development, awakening, and transformation. It embodies the idea of one thing closed or hidden, very like a bud, holding the promise of blossoming into its full potential.

Mukula Meanings within the Viniyoga Shloka

कुमुदे भोजने पञ्चबाणे मुद्रादिधरणे नाभौ च कदलिपुष्पे युज्यते मुकुलः करः ||

Kumude bhujane panchabane mudradidharane Nabhau cha kadalipushpe yujyate mukulah karah

  • Kumude: Referring to a lily flower, this interpretation aligns with the thought of Mukula representing the bud or blossoming of a flower, signifying development and awakening.
  • Bhojane: This time period suggests “consuming.” Whereas it may not be instantly evident the way it pertains to Mukula Mudra, it may symbolize the nurturing and sustenance of 1’s internal development, akin to the nourishment of a bud right into a flower.
  • Panchabane: The reference to “5 arrows” within the context of Manmada (cupid) may symbolize the thought of affection and attraction, maybe implying that Mukula Mudra has significance in relationships and emotional well-being.
  • Mudradidharane: “Holding the Signet” may signify the significance of Mukula Mudra as a symbolic seal or gesture in numerous practices, similar to yoga and meditation.
  • Nabhao: Mentioning “Navel” may indicate that Mukula Mudra has a connection to the power heart across the navel area, which is critical in numerous non secular and energetic traditions.
  • Kadalipushpe: The “Plantain Flower” would possibly relate to the thought of blossoming and development, much like a bud, emphasizing Mukula Mudra’s position in private transformation and awakening.

Synonyms and Variations

Mukula Mudra is thought by completely different names in numerous traditions and contexts. It’s important to acknowledge these synonyms to grasp its wide-ranging purposes.

Samana Mudra

Samana Vayu

In sure practices, Mukula Mudra goes by the title Samana Mudra.

Performing Samana Mudra can be believed to steadiness the digestive system. Samana Mudra, which resembles a bud and is typically known as Mukula Mudra (the place “mukula” is Sanskrit for “bud”), holds a major place in yogic practices.

This mudra aligns with the idea of Samana Vayu, one of many 5 very important life forces or prana vayus in yoga. Samana Vayu performs a pivotal position within the digestion and nourishment of the physique, making this mudra a vital ingredient in selling wholesome digestion and general well-being.

Shukri Mudra

Shukri Mudra is one other title attributed to Mukula Mudra, revealing its presence and significance in distinct cultural and conventional settings.

Tridosha Naashak Mudra

Mukula Mudra can be acknowledged as Tridosha Naashak Mudra in some contexts, as it’s believed to contribute to the steadiness of the three Doshas: Kapha, Vata, and Pitta, throughout the physique.

Beak Hand Mudra

With its commonest designation because the Beak Hand Mudra, the gesture’s resemblance to a fowl’s beak is clear and serves as a reference level for practitioners and fanatics.

Exploring these synonyms sheds mild on the varied interpretations and purposes of Mukula Mudra, enriching its cultural and non secular significance.

Methods to Apply Mukula Mudra?

Mukula Mudra might be practiced in any snug posture, together with sitting, standing, or mendacity down. Nevertheless, for optimum outcomes and enhanced focus, it’s advisable to observe it in a snug meditative posture.

How to do Mukula Mudra
  • Start by sitting in a snug meditative posture, similar to Padmasana or Swastikasana.
  • Direct your full consciousness to your breath as you sit on this place.
  • Place your palms in your knees together with your palms dealing with upward in the direction of the sky.
  • In each palms, be a part of all of your fingers and join your thumb-tips with them, making certain that your thumbs contact the fingertips of all of the fingers.
  • Preserve the remaining fingers comfortably bent, and be mild with your self all through the observe.
  • You’ll be able to place your palms in order that your left hand is barely above the navel, and the best hand is beneath it. They need to be overlaying one another with their palms with out touching, creating a way of the left hand pouring power into the best.
  • Slowly and comfortably shut your eyes.
  • Focus your consciousness in your breath and take deep breaths.
  • In the event you really feel relaxed, you’ll be able to improve your observe by incorporating chanting of the “Om” mantra for deeper focus, or you’ll be able to discover numerous Pranayamas (breath management strategies) and meditations alongside Mukula Mudra.

Precautions for Mukula Mudra

  • Guarantee bodily consolation in your sitting or meditative posture.
  • Create the hand gesture with gentleness, avoiding power or pressure.
  • Preserve concentrate on breath and the mudra whereas avoiding distractions.
  • Breathe naturally and deeply, with out forcing your breath.
  • If closing your eyes, accomplish that slowly and gently to stay conscious of your environment.
  • When incorporating mantra chanting, be conversant in the precise mantra and its pronunciation, chanting with reverence and focus.

Time & Length

The period for performing Mukula Mudra can fluctuate relying on particular person preferences and wishes. There aren’t any strict guidelines relating to the period of this mudra, however typically, it may be practiced for about 15 to half-hour per session.

Listed below are some concerns:

  1. Quick Classes: If you’re new to Mukula Mudra or meditation on the whole, you can begin with shorter periods, round 10 or quarter-hour. This lets you get accustomed to the observe with out feeling overwhelmed.
  2. Intermediate Classes: For these with some expertise, you’ll be able to prolong the observe to half-hour. This period gives ample time to pay attention and expertise the advantages of the mudra.
  3. Longer Classes: Some superior practitioners could select to carry out Mukula Mudra for longer durations, even as much as an hour. Nevertheless, it’s important to hearken to your physique and thoughts throughout prolonged periods and guarantee you’re snug all through.
  4. Consistency: The important thing to reaping the total advantages of Mukula Mudra is common observe. It’s usually extra useful to observe for a shorter period persistently than often doing longer periods.


Incorporating the affirmation, “I’m therapeutic myself, and I get healed,” throughout Mukula Mudra observe enhances its effectiveness. This affirmation aligns with the mudra’s main intention of channeling therapeutic power inside, reinforcing your physique’s innate capacity to heal and harmonize.

It acts as a guiding beacon, steering your focus in the direction of the self-healing course of and reinforces the concept that your physique, thoughts, and spirit possess the inherent energy to fix, restore steadiness, and domesticate well-being.

Mukula Mudra Advantages

Supply: shutterstock

1. Balancing the Doshas

Mukula Mudra is alleged to assist steadiness the Vata, Pitta, and Kapha doshas. It directs power to factors within the physique the place therapeutic is required, which might contribute to dosha equilibrium. For instance, if a specific dosha is aggravated, this mudra could help in lowering its dominance.

2. Manipura Chakra Activation

Mukula mudra stimulates the Manipura Chakra, situated within the stomach space. The Manipura Chakra is related to the Samana Vayu, which governs digestion and assimilation. By energizing this chakra, Mukula Mudra not directly influences the Samana Vayu and helps environment friendly digestion and power absorption.

3. Digestive Well being

Mukula Mudra enhances digestive well being by stimulating digestive organs for environment friendly meals breakdown. It aids these with digestive points like bloating, gasoline, or constipation. “Samana Vayu,” related to digestion, performs a significant position in meals and power processing throughout the physique.

4. Promotes Grounding

Mukula Mudra has the exceptional capacity to make people really feel extra grounded. In a world full of fixed movement and distractions, this grounding impact gives stability and a way of being centered.

5. Stress Discount

Mukula Mudra can play a task in lowering stress and nervousness. By channeling power and selling a way of steadiness, it helps calm the thoughts and loosen up the physique. This, in flip, results in lowered stress ranges, psychological readability, and emotional equilibrium, permitting people to raised handle the challenges of each day life.

6. Focus Enhancement

Mukula Mudra enhances meditation by deepening focus, selling internal peace and self-awareness. It’s a helpful device for bettering meditation experiences and connecting with one’s internal self extra profoundly.


Mukula Mudra is a robust mudra to 3 steadiness doshas, activate the Manipura Chakra, floor people, and direct therapeutic power is a testomony to its significance. Whereas it could look like a easy hand gesture, its potential for internal power and vitality is boundless.

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