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HomeFinancial PlanningWhat's the Social Safety Tax Torpedo?

What’s the Social Safety Tax Torpedo?

What’s the Social Safety Tax Torpedo?

Sooner or later, you’ll be claiming your Social Safety advantages which is taxable as bizarre revenue. This extra taxable revenue might trigger your marginal tax price to go up. The marginal tax price is the extra tax paid on the subsequent greenback of revenue. That appears fairly intuitive—you earn extra revenue, you pay extra tax. Nonetheless the rationale for the ominous moniker of a “tax torpedo” or “tax bomb” is because of how an additional greenback of revenue may enhance the taxation of your Social Safety advantages by having a marginal tax price a lot greater than your common marginal tax price, even for these with comparatively low revenue.

Very first thing to know, your Social Safety advantages aren’t 100% taxable. These are based mostly on revenue brackets the place the advantages might be 50% taxable or if in case you have greater revenue, advantages are 85% taxable. That’s fairly a distinction in tax in case your revenue occurs to go over the edge by even one greenback!

In line with the Social Safety Administration 2024 brackets listed beneath, if you happen to:
File a federal tax return as an “particular person”
 and your mixed revenue is

  • Between $25,000 and $34,000, you might have to pay revenue tax on as much as 50% of your advantages.
  • Greater than $34,000, as much as 85% of your advantages could also be taxable.

File a joint return, and also you and your partner have a mixed revenue that’s

  • Between $32,000 and $44,000, you might have to pay revenue tax on as much as 50% of your advantages.
  • Greater than $44,000, as much as 85% of your advantages could also be taxable.

What’s mixed revenue, additionally referred to as provisional revenue? It’s a particular method Social Safety makes use of to find out at which tax price your advantages will probably be taxed. The calculation is:

  • MAGI, modified adjusted gross revenue (that is AGI that doesn’t embody the taxable portion of Social Safety advantages)
  • plus nontaxable curiosity revenue
  • plus 50% of your Social Safety advantages for the 12 months

Sum these quantities and see which tax price for Social Safety advantages applies to you. It’s possible you’ll wish to get your CPA concerned to assist with the calculations.

In case your revenue sources already push you effectively into the 85% Social Safety taxation price, you’re already in a better marginal tax bracket and never involved concerning the tax torpedo. For others, there are methods to scale back the taxable portion of Social Safety advantages akin to Roth IRA Conversions, delaying Social Safety or drawing down extra of your tax deferred accounts earlier than submitting for Social Safety. Attain out to us at MainStreet to debate how these methods work.


For different articles on Social Safety, see the next:

5 FACTS YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT SOCIAL SECURITY RETIREMENT BENEFITS Initially posted by Katherine Edwards on Jun 29, 2023


Initially posted by Cynthia Flannigan on Apr 8, 2021


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