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HomeProductivityHow you can Play 'The Misplaced Universe,' NASA’s First Tabletop RPG

How you can Play ‘The Misplaced Universe,’ NASA’s First Tabletop RPG

NASA, the Nationwide Aeronautics and Area Administration, just lately printed its first tabletop RPG module. “The Misplaced Universe” is suitable with Dungeons and Dragons fifth version, and may very well be simply translated to Pathfinder, D&D 3.5, Starfinder, or simply about any RPG rule system with fight, traps, and characters. You’ll be able to obtain The Misplaced Universe from NASA’s website free of charge

Designed by Christina Mitchell, senior manufacturing specialist on the NASA Goddard Area Flight Heart in Maryland, “The Misplaced Universe” is a standalone journey that casts gamers as NASA scientists who’re transported to a fantasy universe the place somebody or one thing has stolen the Hubble Area Telescope from our actuality. Utilizing the orbiting telescope because the MacGuffin in a fantasy story is greater than nerdery of the very best degree. “The Misplaced Universe” looks as if a part of the company’s instructional outreach mission. Gamers will study concerning the significance of Hubble and get a broad overview of the way it works whereas having fun with rip-roaring area opera journey.

The 43-page module particulars an attention-grabbing D&D-meets-science setting the place the wizards and elves on the planet Exlaris use darkish vitality as a sort of magic, and borrow knowledge from the Hubble telescope as a part of their analysis.

The module is a formidable piece of world constructing. Mitchell and the remainder of the NASA crew who constructed this have sketched out a planet through which the pursuit of information is valued over the pursuit of gold, and saved it open-ended sufficient for inventive DMs to fill within the particulars as desired. NASA says its module is for 4 to seven degree 7-10 characters, however you may simply tweak the define to any group at any degree. With a little bit ingenuity, you may use it as a facet quest on an present marketing campaign too. 

As-written, “The Misplaced Universe” may very well be accomplished in a single, four-hour journey, but when your gamers develop into connected to the magical science world of Exlaris, there’s sufficient uncooked materials right here to make use of it as a setting for a bigger, space-based marketing campaign. In the event you’re new to D&D, try our information on tips on how to make your very first character, in addition to tips on how to play D&D with your pals on-line.

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