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HomeNutritionCurried Vegetable Leek Soup - Sharon Palmer, The Plant Powered Dietitian

Curried Vegetable Leek Soup – Sharon Palmer, The Plant Powered Dietitian

Right here’s a easy, flavorful vegetable soup recipe which you can throw collectively in minutes! The anti-inflammatory spices and antioxidant-rich veggies might help enhance your well being—and spirits—on the gloomiest day. Plus this Curried Vegetable Leek Soup is gentle sufficient to be a terrific accompaniment for any meal year-round. I like to pair this plant-based (vegan), gluten-free soup with a sandwich, akin to my BLTA sandwich, veggie-burger akin to this Chipotle Black Bean Burger, or hearty salad, like my Inexperienced Goddess Grain Bowl. This entire meals plant-based recipe is SOS (oil-free, salt-free, and sugar-free).

Crammed with greens, together with leeks, carrots, celery, and zucchini, with a flavorful tomato-curry vegetable broth, this 10-ingredient soup is predicated on fridge and pantry staples, so it’s straightforward to make up on a busy evening. You’ll be able to swap out leeks for white, yellow, or crimson onions, and substitute a distinct vegetable for zucchini, akin to peas, spinach, or broccoli. You too can use frozen greens to save lots of money and time when produce is much less obtainable.

Whereas the soup is simmering, you will get the remainder of your meal prepared, and have dinner on the desk in about 40 minutes. The leftovers are equally good. Simply pack up the soup for lunch the subsequent day, or get pleasure from it the second day for lunch or with a distinct entree. Soups are an effective way to suit extra veggies into your day, so I’m an enormous fan of together with these scrumptious recipes in your weight loss program every week. Research even present that consuming soup earlier than your meals can fill you up and scale back your calorie consumption for the meal. So, ensure that “soups on” in your home immediately!


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This plant-based, gluten-free straightforward Curried Vegetable Leek Soup is scrumptious, gentle, and wholesome—making it a terrific accompaniment for any meal.

  1. Place water, vegetable bouillon dice, and tomato sauce in a giant pot.
  2. Stir effectively, cowl, and produce to a simmer over medium-high warmth.
  3. Add garlic, leek, carrot, celery, zucchini, curry powder, crimson chili pepper flakes, and salt (elective). Stir effectively, cowl, and prepare dinner over medium warmth for about 40 minutes, till greens are tender but agency. Could add further water to switch evaporation, ought to make a thick texture.
  4. Add cilantro. Serve instantly. Retailer leftovers in hermetic container within the fridge for as much as 5 days, or freezer for as much as 6 months.


Instantaneous Pot Instructions: Place all components in steps 1-4 into the container of the Instantaneous Pot. Press “Soup” setting. Cook dinner based on producer’s instructions. Serve instantly.

Sluggish Cooker Instructions: Place all components in steps 1-4 into the container of the Sluggish Cooker. Cook dinner on excessive for 4-6 hours or on low for 8-12 hours. Cook dinner based on producer’s instructions. Serve instantly.

Could substitute 4 cups vegetable broth for water and broth bouillon dice.

Strive substituting different greens for zucchini, akin to candy potatoes, peas, and inexperienced beans.

  • Prep Time: 10 minutes
  • Cook dinner Time: 40 minutes
  • Class: Soup
  • Delicacies: American


  • Serving Measurement: 1 serving
  • Energy: 41
  • Sugar: 8 g
  • Sodium: 28 mg
  • Fats: 0 g
  • Saturated Fats: 0 g
  • Carbohydrates: 9 g
  • Fiber: 2 g
  • Protein: 1 g

Key phrases: vegetable soup, leek soup, vegan soup, wholesome soup

For different plant-based soup recipes, try these:

Barley Vegetable Stone Soup
Carnival Squash Soup with Turmeric
Vegan Tortilla Soup
Cucumber Avocado Chilly Soup
Simple Kabocha Squash Soup with Miso
Basic Tomato Soup
Delicata Squash Soup with 5 Spice

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