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HomeNutritionHaluski (Hungarian Cabbage and Noodles)

Haluski (Hungarian Cabbage and Noodles)

Haluski (Hungarian Cabbage and Noodles) is a traditional dish in Central and Japanese Europe. I first found this Hungarian dish throughout a vitamin convention in Budapest a number of years in the past. Usually served throughout lent, the beloved haluski recipe actually showcases the cultural meals traditions of this area, with its chilly winters and historic durations of hardship. Cabbage has at all times been an vital vegetable in nations with frigid winter climates, reminiscent of Scandinavia, Germany, Russia, Poland, and Hungary. This rugged vegetable, which shops effectively in cellars and is commonly fermented to final even longer, exhibits up in lots of conventional recipes, together with the legendary haluski recipe. Highlighting the custom of “making one thing of nothing”, haluski options only a few staple components: cabbage, noodles, onion, garlic, butter–all financial meals which might be out there within the winter months. The cabbage and onion are caramelized within the butter (I exploit plant-based butter in my recipe), after which tangled along with the pasta, making a fantastically flavorful, hearty, rustic dish that comforts the thoughts, physique, and soul. No surprise it’s a treasured dish in Hungary! 

As a plant-based eater, I completely loved this cabbage dish throughout my time in Budapest, as eating places fortunately beneficial it as the right vegan choice. I may take pleasure in a conventional recipe throughout my travels there, whereas avoiding animal merchandise! Since that event, I’ve usually thought again fondly on that scrumptious cabbage recipe. So when my backyard produced a bounty of cabbage this spring, I made a decision to place it to good use in haluski! I created this recipe, after doing a little bit of analysis on the historic traditions of haluski, and my household gave it an enthusiastic thumbs up. Most haluski traditions name for home-made egg noodles, however I used egg-free haluski noodles (linguini pasta is an effective choice), in addition to vegan butter for this recipe to make sure it was utterly plant-based. Some haluski recipes name for bacon, so you may additionally add a little bit of tempeh bacon to extend the protein content material and savory high quality of this recipe, in the event you so want. Or just serve it with some sautéed plant-based sausage on the facet to actually make it a satisfying meal. You may as well make this recipe gluten-free through the use of gluten-free noodles.  

I used the cabbage from my backyard to make this haluski recipe featured right here. 


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Haluski (Hungarian Cabbage and Noodles) is a traditional rustic dish in Central and Japanese Europe. That includes only a few components–caramelized cabbage, onion, and garlic tossed with noodles–this economical hearty vegan recipe is scrumptious and altogether comforting. 

  • Water, as wanted
  • 1 pound noodles or pasta, egg-free, raw (strips, reminiscent of linguini works effectively)
  • 3 tablespoons vegan butter or margarine unfold, divided (i.e., Miyoko’s Creamery, Earth Steadiness)
  • 1 massive onion, sliced into half moons
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 2 small heads cabbage, robust outer leaves eliminated, sliced in quarters, then chopped into items about ½-inch thick (about 1 ½ kilos whole or 8 cups chopped)
  • 1 cup reserved pasta water
  • Salt to style (elective)
  • Freshly floor black pepper to style
  • 3 tablespoons chopped contemporary parsley

  1. Fill a massive pot about  two-thirds full with water. Cowl and produce to a boil over excessive warmth.
  2. Add noodles or pasta, cut back warmth to medium warmth, and prepare dinner till al dente (about 9-10 minutes; or in line with package deal instructions). Drain, reserving 1 cup of pasta water, and return cooked noodles or pasta to pot and canopy with lid to maintain heat. 
  3. Whereas pasta is cooking, warmth 2 tablespoons of vegan butter or margarine unfold in a big saucepan, skillet, or Dutch oven (4 quart capability). 
  4. Add garlic and onions and sauté over medium warmth for five minutes. 
  5. Add chopped cabbage and prepare dinner for 4 minutes, stirring often.  
  6. Add half of the reserved pasta water to the cabbage combination. Cook dinner for a further 3-5 minutes, till cabbage is tender. 
  7. Add cooked pasta, remaining pasta water, and season with salt (elective) and black pepper as desired. Stir till combination is effectively mixed and heated via (about 1-2 minutes). 
  8. Take away from warmth, sprinkle with chopped parsley and serve instantly.
  9. Makes 8 servings (about 2 cups per serving).


Strive including sliced tempeh bacon in step 5 to extend the protein content material and savory high quality of this recipe, in the event you so want. 

You can also make this recipe gluten-free through the use of gluten-free noodles.  

Strive making your individual vegan noodles for this recipe by trying out my information right here

I like to serve this recipe in pasta bowls. Strive my favourite pasta bowls right here

  • Prep Time: 12 minutes
  • Cook dinner Time: 20 minutes
  • Class: Entree
  • Delicacies: American, Hungarian

For extra recipes that includes cabbage, try the next:

Peanut Chinese language Cabbage Salad
Apple Raisin Crimson Cabbage Slaw
Mango Crimson Cabbage Slaw

For extra noodle and pasta recipes, attempt a few of my favorites:

Tempeh Chilly Noodle Salad with Peanut Dressing
Simple Udon Noodle Bowl with Kimchi
Soba Noodles Seaweed Salad
Lemony Backyard Peas with Pasta
One Pot Vegan Orecchiette Pasta with Sausage and Broccoli
Vegan Pasta Amatriciana

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