Monday, June 17, 2024
HomeFinancial PlanningThe Best Wealth Switch in Historical past Is Right here

The Best Wealth Switch in Historical past Is Right here

Be a part of Downtown Josh Brown and Michael Batnick for one more spherical of What Are Your Ideas? On this week’s episode, Josh and Michael focus on the largest matters in investing and finance, together with:

►Einhorn, Burry, Buffett – David Einhorn and Michael Burry had been shopping for regional banks in Q1.

►Optimistic Surprises – “This may upset plenty of gloom and doomers, however oh effectively”

►Wealth Switch – “The Best Wealth Switch in Historical past Is Right here, With Acquainted (Wealthy) Winners”

►Ahead Returns – “the S&P broke a 12 month shedding streak with detrimental rolling 1yr returns. Related observations and ahead returns under. Uncommon prevalence.”

►Hindenburg vs Icahn – “Icahn Has Confronted Many Probes However Hindenburg Claims Stand Aside”

►AI and the Inventory Market – “AI-related shares drove just about all of the returns of the S&P 500 this yr”

►Make The Case

►Thriller Chart

and extra!

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