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HomeProductivityUse the 'Pickle Jar Concept' to Prioritize Your Duties

Use the ‘Pickle Jar Concept’ to Prioritize Your Duties

A few of our best metaphors are about pickles. Nicki Minaj made a case for asserting herself as a lady in a male-dominated discipline in 2010 when she declared, “Had I accepted the pickle juice, I’d be consuming pickle juice proper now,” for example. In your individual pursuit {of professional} or private success, you, too, can name upon the facility of pickles that can assist you be extra productive. If you’re making an attempt to determine how a lot you may match right into a day, attempt the “pickle jar concept.”

What’s the pickle jar concept?

The pickle jar concept is a superb psychological train for anybody who thinks or processes issues visually. It was conceptualized by Jeremy Wright in 2002, based mostly on the concept that a pickle jar holds a finite quantity of content material. So, too, does your day. There’s solely a lot you are able to do in a day, as there’s solely a lot you may stuff right into a pickle jar. 

When considering of your day as a pickle jar, think about it stuffed with three issues: Rocks, pebbles, and sand. These characterize your day by day duties, however as you may see, they’re totally different sizes. You may match extra of the smaller stuff, like sand and pebbles, than you may rocks, however rocks can nonetheless take up half the jar. 

How does the pickle jar concept work?

To make use of this type of considering, you have to categorize your day’s duties. Begin by writing all of them down, then prioritizing them utilizing the Eisenhower Matrix, which is beneficial for determining which duties are pressing and necessary, pressing and never necessary, not pressing however necessary, and never pressing and not necessary. 

Then, assign every activity to a rock, pebble, or sand, like this: 

  • Rocks are the massive duties which are necessary, essential to get on straight away, and/or will take up a serious chunk of time. Learning for a take a look at, finalizing a serious challenge at work, or cleansing the home might be rock-sized duties, for example. 

  • Pebbles are the issues which are necessary to do, however not instantly vital or massively time-consuming. You may match fairly a number of of them within the jar, relying on what number of rocks you might have in there. 

  • Sand represents the small issues that you have to do to maintain your day transferring alongside or simply need to do. It enters the jar final and fills up the gaps between the larger gadgets. Sand might be something from answering emails, going to conferences, calling your mother, or stress-free. These aren’t essentially pressing or time-consuming, however they’re nonetheless necessary to your work or psychological wellbeing. 

Visualize your self placing one to a few rocks within the jar, three to 5 pebbles, and as a lot sand as can match. Understanding that not each single factor you have to do can all the time slot in there, you can also make choices about which rocks, pebbles, and sand items to carry over for the subsequent day’s jar. 

This works as a result of it provides you a tangible instance of your individual capability, but in addition reminds you that even when your day is stuffed with “rocks” and “pebbles,” you continue to have room for “sand.” Don’t neglect to let a few of the sand be gratifying, as a result of breaks are integral to productiveness. Don’t over-stuff your jar with rocks and pebbles to the purpose that you don’t have any room for sand in any respect, and don’t neglect that different folks have their very own jars which may not be as full. Contemplate delegating some “pebble” duties to a teammate, whether or not it’s a coworker or your partner, or eliminating the pointless duties altogether. (In your Eisenhower Matrix, these would be the ones which are neither pressing nor necessary.)

Protecting in thoughts that your time and vitality is finite—and specializing in this illustration of that reality—will make prioritization and decision-making simpler, permitting you to create space for what you want and disrespect what you don’t. To cite Nicki Minaj, that’s bossed up. 

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